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Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Savior Is Born - #ASaviorIsBorn

I just love the Christmas season!  The smells, the warmth, the neighbors, family, the treats...

Most of all though, I love the reason that we celebrate this season, the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  No greater gift exists or has ever existed than the gift our Heavenly Father sent, His son who would sacrifice his life for every single one of us.  "He gave his life to atone for the sins of all mankind."  There are no words to adequately explain my gratitude or amazement.  He was born so I can be forgiven of my mistakes and overcome my shortcomings to live with my family, my God, and my Savior throughout all eternity.

This year my church has a new video and image each day to commemorate this sacred event.  The videos have been good but I am awed by today's video.  Please take a few minutes to watch.  This song has been sung by a handful of other great artists (all of which I've been listening to this morning!), but I think this is my new favorite.

There are a few videos at the top of the page, which are great to watch as well, but the music videos are a little farther down.  You're looking for Day 10.

Also, because I am so proud of my children and their budding little testimonies of Jesus Christ, here's a re-blog of my post from last Christmas.  You should hear them sail through this now.  Merry Christmas!  #ASaviorIsBorn

December 24, 2014

For a long time I have wanted to incorporate memorization into our day.  I still remember poems and sayings that hung on the wall in my grandmother's house.  We started by memorizing scriptures (Scripture Mastery), and finishing up the Articles of Faith for my 3rd child.  Then I had the inspiration to do this.

I wish I wrote down the date that we started, we think it was 8-10 months ago.  I wondered if we could do it, this is a lot to ask kids to remember!  We realized we'd have it complete by Thanksgiving, and as we began the last two paragraphs, the kids would sit in sacrament meeting working on a line or two.  They are amazing, they want to do The Family  Proclamation next.

As our contribution to the #sharethegift invitation this Christmas, we present The Living Christ.

Merry Christmas!  May we all grow closer to our Savior as we remember him and as we share the love with those around us.

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