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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2016 Latter-day Learning Retreat

The past two years I have gone to the annual Latter-day Learning Conference.  It's a refreshing day where I've gotten plenty of ideas to use in our homeschool.  I come away feeling encouraged and ready to keep going.  It is not just for families who use The Family School, but there are some presentations geared towards this curriculum.

This year it is being called a retreat instead of a conference and it seems that the entire day has been revamped.  I'm so excited to go again!  Today it was announced that John Bytheway and Richard & Linda Eyre will be presenters.  How cool does that sound?!  Here is the schedule, which they will continue to update.  It will be held March 12, 2016. 

Would you please use my name (Deann Hadley) as a referral if you come?  Click the image below to learn more and reserve your spot!  But hurry, the early bird discount ends December 31st.

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