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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Exciting News! IEW Affiliate!

If you have read here for a while you've discovered how much we love IEW, or Institute for Excellence in Writing. I have recently been accepted as an affiliate for them so you'll see ads and links on my site referring you to IEW now! I receive compensation if you make a purchase using these links, and I appreciate you doing so.

When we started using IEW, we began with Fix It! Grammar. It was pretty amazing, suddenly grammar was fun and my kids could remember what a noun was!

I was led to their writing program repeatedly, but put it off because I was intimidated. Once I finally decided we could afford it, and I would take the time to learn it myself, it was a huge change in our house. I can't compare writing pre-IEW to having teeth pulled, because my kids would probably like that since the tooth fairy would visit. But really, writing was a huge chore. Then along came Teaching Writing: Structure and Style and things changed overnight. Suddenly my son, who hates writing (and may have dysgraphia), could write entire paragraphs. My older daughter watched him learn this new method for two months, then asked if she could switch. Now I have three kids learning the IEW way.

Today I checked a Unit 9 critique that my son wrote. I was pretty amazed at the five paragraphs he came up with, and after not quite two years of using IEW for writing. He's a completely different writer using this method!

Somewhere in there we started using spelling, Phonetic Zoo, and I was able to review Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization. We've fallen in love with both, and I've got a review for High School Essay Intensive coming soon!

I am also an accredited IEW instructor, but currently I only offer local tutoring.

Thanks to IEW for accepting me into their affiliate program! I hope to share our love for their materials with you and help your family find joy in learning language arts!

P.S.  Last year my boy did his hair then came to me and said "Look Mom, I'm Mr. Pudewa!" This boy loves IEW (especially Mr. Pudewa, "the funny guy") almost as much as I do.

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