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Monday, August 7, 2017

Weekly Recap: With the cameras!

After last weekend of cleaning up dirt in multiple places and forms (from scout camp), we tried to enjoy a relaxing Sabbath day together. We attended church then watched a movie as a family. It was nice!

Some other events last week:
M & J worked on a big project for CompuScholar.
I created our daily schedule for the upcoming school year.

Orthodontist visit for M.
Received my new camera finally! That also means J took full possession of my 50D.

We thought up two new ice cream flavors that we want to make. We can't decide which to enter in our church's annual ice cream contest though.
We visited with Grandma and Grandpa after they returned from their 3 week vacation.
We visited a recreation outlet in town and went out for ice cream afterwards.
Attended my niece's baby shower.
Attended our neighbor's baptism.
Did a photo shoot for some friends of ours, and M & J got to be my assistants!

I'm hoping to get some final school prep done this week so I can be ready to start in two weeks. Oh, and lots of camera practice!


  1. Willow's eyes look indescribably creepy in that picture, but the shot of the dandelion is stunning!
